Amorphophallus paeoniifolius?
I known that I should be tremendously conscientious about labeling tubers when they're brought in - and I usually am. Sometimes, though, I'm tied up with some other responsibility, promise myself that I'll label it later and then do, possibly too late and possibly wrongly. This got labeled "Amorphophallus paeoniifolius". Then it started growing. It's obviously not - or so I thought until it was IDed as paeoniifolius by Wilbert Hetterscheid.
looking at the enlarged petiole photo, you're not misinterpreting anything.
The plant had tipped over for 2 days and the direct sunlight caused it to bend
45 degrees. I rotated the photo 45 degrees to make it appear upright.
I expect the petiole to right itself in the next few days.