Packing Plants for Air Travel

Here's a collection of plants I've picked up at some friends' wholesale nursery in Florida. They will have to fit into my two suitcases and leave room for some clothes. You'll find all sorts of root systems.  Sometimes sparse fibrous roots easily dump their soil. Other times a dense root system holds onto soil and you won't be able to get much off easily without damaging the roots.  (You can use water but it may be tough to find a hose or bucket where you're packaging your plant. Here's plant #1 ready for packaging The first step is removing the pot.

On occasion, you'll find you're lucky & 2 had been growing in the same pot. Shake off as much soil as possible without causing damage to the root system.

Once the soil has been dumped place it onto a paper towel. After you wrap the towel, place it into a plastic bag.  Alternatively, you might use plastic wrap. When the plants are small, you'll be able to save space by putting more than one into your plastic bag. If you're not fortunate enough to have packing sleeves, use newspaper.  Just wrap it around the plant.
Plant #1 is now ready for a suitcase Here's row #1 with 6 plants ready for travel. Suitcase #1 now contains 40 plants ready for travel. This has left only this small number ready for suitcase number two, padded by clothing.